Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day One Down

Well...we have been in NJ now for 2 days. We said our goodbye the morning of the 28th, it was sad, but quick. It was much easier than if we went to his formation. He deployed yesterday. So today was our actual day one of the deployment. Well...we made haha. Today went so fast, so as long as all of the days manage to go this fast, I think we will be just fine! We went to Target with the two 3 year olds and Emmy. Man, that was fun. It took 2 hours, and I had a migraine and it only got worse while we were there. Allie and Katie fought the entire time in the cart over whose popcorn was whose and Emily was good as gold! Oh how I have missed huge Target stores! Hopefully this weekend we will make good progress in getting things organized around here. We are also having our pollyanna for the kids to exhange their gifts. Tomorrow is NYE, Im not overly excited, but we plan on eating tons of junk and playing tons of Just Dance 2! Here's hoping I don't lose it at midnight like I did the last deployment. Man, I am such an emotional nerd!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Its official

My dad is coming out on the 27th. Due to some scheduling, we HAVE to drive home on the 28th. I will more than likely miss Adam's final formation :( I was an emotional wreck all afternoon. I was hating sitting in limbo not knowing when we had to say goodbye and just wanted to know...and it was hard to face the fact that its all coming to an end. It'll be over before we know it though, positive thoughts brings positive results! He will be missed more than anything in this world though!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Its closing in on us

Its approaching so fast, I can't even comprehend. The more I think about it, the more I realize, we have made the best decision to move back to NJ. Allie asks about 15 times a day when Daddy is getting home from work, I don't think she would completely understand he won't be coming back for awhile, no matter how many times I tell her. At least in NJ, she will be surrounded by her grandparents, aunts and cousins. My friend Helen gave me some great ideas to help her understand the time left until Adam comes home and I plan on doing them as soon as we get back to NJ. I dread the day he leaves, but I still don't even realize quite how close it is. We booked the hotel yesterday, and now we need to make the decision of what day my dad is going to come out here. I hate making decisions.

On a more positive note, Allie could not be more ready for Christmas! I have all of her presents wrapped. Now I need to wrap Emily's. Allie got to "buy" Emily a present last night and she was so excited. We were done shopping for her when she decided she desperately wanted this Baby we decided that could be the present Em got for her. Now all is well again in the world! I really need to get a lot packed this weekend. We were doing well, but with the crappy weather, we were pretty lazy for a few days...packing Allie's room is not going to go well. She wants to bring EVERYTHING to NJ. But I have to lightly remind her she is probably getting lots of new toys from Santa. We haven't been to see Santa yet at the mall and Im not sure if its even worth it. She had a monsterous melt down when Santa appeared at the troop Christmas party the other night, which in turn made Emmy cry too. But she does know what she wants...Squinkies, Zoobles and Lala Loopsy (with purple hair thanks to my convincing bc thats the one we bought haha). We took some pictures of them the other night in their adorable PJs and they came out pretty cute. Other than that, we are just enjoying this time together and finishing things up.

Our friends the Marshcands invited us over for Christmas dinner and we are excited. They are really good friends of ours, and it will be a really nice night. It will be one of the last things we do here, so I think it will be a nice way to "wrap" things up here, especially since they are PCSing soon. We will miss them a lot. Allie will especially miss her Landon since she is always talking about him. But they will only be in Ft. Campbell, so hopefully we can take a few trips down and visit them after deployment!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ready or not, here it comes! Deployment AND Christmas!

Deployment is quickly approaching, and so is Christmas! We are moving out of our house the day after Christmas so its going to be hectic. We chose to stay in our home as long as we could so we could enjoy the holiday here. We will move into a hotel for a few days...I think...until Adam deploys. We have a 3 day window that Adam can deploy, so now we are waiting to find out exactly when. Its a little stressful with it being days after Christmas, but we get the holiday TOGETHER and he SHOULD be home by next Christmas, and thats what counts :) As long as we stay positive, we will all be alright!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Its been way toooooo long

Its obviously been too long since I have posted a blog! But our family is doing just amazing. Allie is doing so well in her preschool program. She has transformed from a toddler to a preschooler. She knows most of her letters, is writing, and I feel like is doing just about everything under the sun. It is scary how much she is growing up, so Im trying to cherish all of these moments. Emily is 5 months already...Im really not quite sure where the time is going. She is smiling, laughing, rolling over, and scooting on her belly. She is never where I leave her anymore, definately a little adventure girl! We are gearing up for Adam's second deployment to Afghanistan. He is going for 12 months, and while I don't think any of us are exactly excited (ok maybe Adam is excited to go play war haha), I think we might be ready. We haven't told Allie yet, its a little too early since she hasn't mastered the concept on time, I know she will be ok with it in time. She will miss him, we all will, but we will be ok. We are a pretty strong family. I might be a crazy, emotional wreck sometimes, but I can definately roll with the punches and handle him being gone and do the single parent thing for a year. A year is better than the 15 months we faced last time. Due to recent troubles on post, our brand new van being keyed and our house being vandelized, we have decided moving back to NJ is best. The kids responsible have not yet been kicked off post, if they will even be kicked off at all. It's not a situation I want to deal with while Adam is gone, so going back will just be easier in that aspect. Another thing will be a better financial situation. We are really hoping to be able to get out after this deployment, so we are going to save our BAH (basic housing allowance), so we can have more money put away for a house. All of our decisions are hopefully what is best for our future. We can only hope we are making the best decisions possible, right? Adam leaves in 2 months, so we are going to enjoy every single moment we have left together as a family and hopefully when he leaves I will keep this blog so updated and he can read about the girls' adventures while he is gone too!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Finding the balance

So Adam was home for the first 3 weeks of Emily's life, and then he went back to work. I was smart and signed Allie up for summer camp this week so I got some what of a break during the day. She goes to camp 8:30-11:30 M-F on the weeks that she goes and she loves it so much. This week Im working on finding the balance that comes along with having 2 children especially one being a newborn that demands so much attention and one that is 2 1/2 and apparently is starved for attention. Im just working on figuring out when to clean, when to spend time with Allie, when to attempt to start working out and maybe even when to attempt to relax? (Haha!). Adam went back to work Tuesday and we found out yesterday that he is leaving for the field for 9 days...nothing like a last minute field problem that was never talked about before leave and wasn't on the training calander. So for now, Im working on finding a routine and sticking to it. Adam's mom arrives Saturday, so I won't be sticking to much of anything next week as we will probably be busy, but I must attempt it!
Here's to my attempt to be a super mom...yeah right!

Friday, May 21, 2010

She's Here!

It has been forever since I have updated as life has been slightly crazy for us lately...but Emily Grace arrived on May 21, 2010 at 8:23 AM via c section. She was 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. She has been a wonderful addition to our family and Allie adores being a big sister :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some belly shots!

24 weeks 4 days

25 weeks 6 days

29 weeks 3 days

30 weeks 2 days

32 weeks 1 day

I didn't realize just how long it has been!

All is well in the Miller world as we get closer and closer to the baby being born. I obviously haven't posted since we found out, but we are having another girl. We have decided on the name Emily Grace. We have also decided on scheduling a c section for her birth. With the way things went with Allie, it is also likely that I will not progress again. Not to mention, if I get to my due date and don't go into labor, I automatically will have a c section anyway. So with a 2 year old, the Army and our family coming in, we decided scheduling will be our best bet. Not to mention, its seeming she will be be big, just like Allie! At my 30 week check up, the dr walked in, took one look at my belly and said that baby is easily 4 1/2 lbs already. YES! Just what I wanted to hear :) I need tolook into the next labor and delivery tour so we knowwhat to expect at the hospital. This weekend Adam is supposed to spend a day in Emily's room. He has a lot of work to do, and I would love to get the bulk of it done over the weekend. Fingers crossed! Its coming so fast!

Allie is so looking forward to being a big sister, or at least it seems. She is always talking about her and how much she loves her. I cannot wait to see her reaction when she realizes its an actual baby and we get to bring her home! I just signed her up for summer camps today. She is going to two week long sessions in the mornings from 8:30-11:30. I know she will love it and I made sure to split it up so she gets to most out of her summer. Between visitors and our girls trip home while Adam is in predeployment training, we will have a busy summer and school will start up again for Allie right after we return from NJ. She loves school and was in tears tonight because she has to wait until Tuesday to go back.

I don't think Adam has any idea what he is in for with a house full of girls. He was gone for Allie's first year, so he has no clue how much life is going to change! He's been amazing and helpful and wonderful lately. He is very understanding of how hard things are getting for me, and doesn't give me any crap when I just need to sit or lay down in the middle of cleaning. We are super blessed that he is on block leave when the baby is born, however Im pretty bummed we will not get a chance to go home as a family this summer. I was looking at pictures from our trip home last summer and we had the BEST time. We are planning on going home in October on his predeployment leave and we will do Emily's Christening then.

Im going to make an attempt and do some back posts on this!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had such a nice Easter this year! Adam and I decided to invite our neighbors and our friends over for a BBQ. It went really well! We are so lucky to have such awesome friends. Our neighbors had never met our friends before, and it seems like everyone got a long really well. Allie, Landon and Aubree had a good time together! They were all constantly busy between Allie's room and the backyard. Helen's older boys were able to play basketball at the park or PS3 so they were able to keep busy too. Allie was so worn out by the end of the day she was crying to go to bed. Adam gave her a bath and she cried the entire time! As I got her in her jammies she just cried about how tired she was and made Adam carry her to bed because she was too tired to even walk! I am hoping to do something similar for Memorial Day. The baby will only be a week old, but it will be like a Welcome to the World party too.

Allie loved her basket. She kept thanking me over and over again. I had to to keep reminding her it was the Easter Bunny who left it, not mommy and daddy! I think her favorite thing were the Littlest Pet Shop eggs. She loves her little pets and they keep her busy.
In the morning we did an egg hunt with our neighbors. Adam and Lonnie went across to the park and "hid" the eggs, and the girls loved it! Im glad she had such a great day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our big girl

Allie has had a very big month! The day after we returned from NJ (December 6th) Allie was being ridiculous about her binky after her nap. We couldn't handle the whining and finally Adam walked over gave her the binky and told her to throw it in the trash. That night she took over an hour and a half to go to bed. The next day at nap she asked for it, but was asleep within a half hour. The times were shortened everyday until finally there wasn't a fight. Don't get me wrong, nap time most days she whines because she thinks she doesn't need them anymore. However 2-3 hours later, Im sure she feels much better after sleeping that long. She has not had a binky since that Sunday at her nap and we haven't looked back. Sometimes she asks for it and we remind her she put it in the trash and thats the end of it. That was one huge obstable out of the way before the baby comes. We also slowly started working on potty training when we got back. We moved her potty in her room so she could get used to sitting on it etc (plus our bathroom is tooooo small for it). One night she got mad at us (as usual) and closed her bedroom door. A few minutes later she was yelling and Adam went in and she had peed on the potty all on her own. So we started introducing panties slowly and phasing out diapers. The next day she pooped on the potty twice and I was so excited. She did well for a few days and then regressed a little and was pooping in her panties and having 3-4 accidents a day. As Christmas got closer she started getting better with it. She was having major poop issues, but thats because she was having trouble going and would go whenever she could actually go. I realized this was from her not eating enough fruits over the holidays with all we had going on and shes doing SO much better with it now. She hasn't had a poopie accident since my parents were here and that was over a week ago. She had a pee pee accident on NYE at our friends house, but she was patiently waiting with her pants down in front of their potty and I didn't hear her yelling and she couldn't hold it any longer. Poor thing! She is still sleeping at night in pull ups, but most mornings she wakes up dry and gets on her potty before I even go in to get her out of bed. We haven't ventured out of the house in panties yet, but she is going to start wearing them to school tomorrow. Her teacher was really impressed with the difference in her during her school break. Not only is her potty training going well, but she is saying so many more words and her teacher was going on and on about how smart she is for her age. I definately think school is playing a big role in that! She came up to me yesterday and said "Hi! Nice to meet you, I Allie" and shook my hand. Her no thanks transformed into no thank you and please sounds much more like it should. Its absolutely amazing! Shes becoming such a big girl, if I weren't bursting with pride (haha) I would probably be sad!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Baby and life updates :)

Ok well finally time for a baby update! I am FINALLY feeling better. Im still tired, but I rarely nap anymore, just some quiet laying down and I am good to go. I haven't had a headache in weeks, my sinuses have finally cleared up and I am finally back to working out. My belly is slowly growing. Some days I look more pregnant than others. However, Im only 18 weeks, so just give me some time! I go to the doctors next week. I have my 20 week ultrasound on January 12th and we MIGHT find out what the baby is. I have my check up on January 14th, Im not excited to get in trouble for most likely gaining too much weight over the holidays. Im curious, because both my German doctor and NJ doctor never once commented on my weight. Ever since they found out Allie was 9 lbs they must think I was just a super unhealthy fatty during my pregnancy. My family just has big babies, its what we do. Anyway, Ive felt a couple little movements here and there, but its not everyday yet and its not very strong either. I still forget Im pregnant about 95% of the time. Ive started doing prenatal pilates and I like it. Ive always been unflexible, but today I definately realized I need to stretch and do pilates a whole lot more!
We found out about Adam's new unit's training schedule. He will be on block leave right around the time the baby is born. So now we need to figure out how they will work his leave since he is supposed to get 10 days off paternal leave. We also found out he will be in California for the whole month of August. We were hoping block leave would be in July so we could go home and have the baby Christened as well as have Allie's 3rd birthday party. Instead I will go back to NJ for two weeks with the kids in August to celebrate mine and Allie's birthdays. We decided to delay the Christening until his predeployment leave. He missed Allie's and I don't want him missing this one too. So at least everyone will meet the baby by August and then see us again in the fall. Adam may deploy early 2011, so I will most likely head back to NJ depending on living arrangements. I don't want to give up our house here since we will still have one year left in the Army when he returns. Well I think thats it for now!