Thursday, December 17, 2009

Adam finally made a decision

And that decision was to re enlist in the Army. He signed a re enlistment deal that left us here in Ft. Knox for 3 years, so until December 2012. He switched to a combat unit, so he will deploy again before he is done. I don't want him to go, but I am prepared for him to go. The good news is he will be here when the baby is born and will hopefully enjoy at least half of the baby's first year before deploying. It was a hard decision, but we have nothing outside the Army right not especially with the unemployment rate being so high. We did what was best for the 4 of us and hopefully in 2012 things are a little better and we can give the civilian world a shot!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Back from NJ

Well we finally made it home from NJ! After a long, long day of driving in crazy weather we made it. Unfortunately we were pulled over at a McDonalds for just about 2 hours due to heavy snow. I felt so bad for my sister and dad who had to tag along. It broke my heart to watch the stress in their face as we decided what to do. We eventually decided to get back on the road and just deal with it. We drove for almost 2 hours at 35 MPH but hey, we made it home. Adam was very happy to have us home as he had his spur ride and was worn out. We missed Aubree's birthday party and I was really bummed because Allie would of had a great time.