Thursday, April 8, 2010
I didn't realize just how long it has been!
All is well in the Miller world as we get closer and closer to the baby being born. I obviously haven't posted since we found out, but we are having another girl. We have decided on the name Emily Grace. We have also decided on scheduling a c section for her birth. With the way things went with Allie, it is also likely that I will not progress again. Not to mention, if I get to my due date and don't go into labor, I automatically will have a c section anyway. So with a 2 year old, the Army and our family coming in, we decided scheduling will be our best bet. Not to mention, its seeming she will be be big, just like Allie! At my 30 week check up, the dr walked in, took one look at my belly and said that baby is easily 4 1/2 lbs already. YES! Just what I wanted to hear :) I need tolook into the next labor and delivery tour so we knowwhat to expect at the hospital. This weekend Adam is supposed to spend a day in Emily's room. He has a lot of work to do, and I would love to get the bulk of it done over the weekend. Fingers crossed! Its coming so fast!
Allie is so looking forward to being a big sister, or at least it seems. She is always talking about her and how much she loves her. I cannot wait to see her reaction when she realizes its an actual baby and we get to bring her home! I just signed her up for summer camps today. She is going to two week long sessions in the mornings from 8:30-11:30. I know she will love it and I made sure to split it up so she gets to most out of her summer. Between visitors and our girls trip home while Adam is in predeployment training, we will have a busy summer and school will start up again for Allie right after we return from NJ. She loves school and was in tears tonight because she has to wait until Tuesday to go back.
I don't think Adam has any idea what he is in for with a house full of girls. He was gone for Allie's first year, so he has no clue how much life is going to change! He's been amazing and helpful and wonderful lately. He is very understanding of how hard things are getting for me, and doesn't give me any crap when I just need to sit or lay down in the middle of cleaning. We are super blessed that he is on block leave when the baby is born, however Im pretty bummed we will not get a chance to go home as a family this summer. I was looking at pictures from our trip home last summer and we had the BEST time. We are planning on going home in October on his predeployment leave and we will do Emily's Christening then.
Im going to make an attempt and do some back posts on this!
Posted by Samantha at Thursday, April 08, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!

Posted by Samantha at Sunday, April 04, 2010 1 comments
Labels: Easter