Thursday, October 8, 2009

So many exciting things!

The biggest news is that we are moving this weekend! Our house will be ready tomorrow so we are going to sign our lease. Adam luckily has a 4 day this weekend and we were planning on moving Friday, but there are some storms on the way with heavy rains and wind so we put it off until Saturday. We are hoping to get it done all in one shot on Saturday and cleaning out the apartment on Sunday and handing the keys over on Monday. I also have midterms on Tuesday and Thursday and Im pretty nervous about them and how I will get all of my studying done. Allie goes back to school next week after her fall break, and believe me that is surely welcomed! I didn't realize just how nice it was to have those 6 hours a week to myself. I am thirlled that we are moving this weekend because her building is being switched next week and it is actually within walking distance of the new house! I also have my first doctors appt on Wedensday morning so I don't have to worry about driving super far anymore. What a relief! Updates coming soon!