On Saturday we decided to meet Adam after he was done work and go to the bowling alley. We haven't done anything FUN lately since Adam has been working for almost 18 days straight. Allie has never been bowling before so we knew it was going to be an adventure. We got there and there was a birthday party with balloons which immediately made her even more excited. She was amazed at the brightly colored bowling balls and the loud noise and just was ready to bowl before we even had a lane. Unfortunately they didn't have shoes in her size which would of been a super cute picture, so she just wore her "crocs". They had this adorable little dinosaur or dragon ramp which he could put the ball on and it gave it some momentum down the lane. 
Once she realized the ball came back UP, that kept her attention more than how many pins she hit. We only made it one game because it was pretty exhausting trying to keep her happy when it wasnt her turn and she was announcing "I sad!" every 5 minutes. I only beat Allie by 10 points, she got an 88! In my defense, she did have bumpers AND Daddy's help! It is definately something we are going to try again soon.
Everything else in life will hopefully settle down for us soon. We are still waiting on word from housing and hopefully they will call us soon! Adam has been working like crazy, but he has a 4 day this weekend to that definately means some fun family adventures. We plan on going to the Newport Aquarium and having dinner in Cincinnati. It is only about a 2 hour drive or so, so I am pretty excited. The weekends have been very quick and uneventful since Adam works until 4 or so. Im ready for some family fun and hopefully for some Eagles football! School is a little challenging this semester, a lot of reading and response writing, but so far its going well! Im not sure what is ahead for me with school if I get pregnant. My original plan was to take the month of December off, but with the possibility of a baby on the way, I may need to go in December just to get two more classes out of the way before the baby would be born. I guess it all depends on what we find out this upcoming weekend!
Allie: Our little professional bowler!
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