Saturday, September 12, 2009

And so the journey for baby #2 begins!

A few weeks ago, I got an exciting text message (yes! text message!) from my husband that said "Update! I think its baby making time!". (If you heard the story of Adam telling me to just text him the gender of our baby, Allie, while he was in the field, you would find this hilarious.) Well if you know me, you know I would not say no to having another baby! I would ultimately love to have 4 children, but I don't think thats going to happen for us. However, having 2 would be a blessing enough in itself. We think Allie is getting to the age where she is going to be ready to be a big sister. Right now we are playing the waiting game. I immediately made an appointment the day after we decided we wanted another baby so I could taper off my migraine medications. I am now officially medication free and for the most part, migraine free. I took my first test this morning and it was negative. I think Im just entirely too excited at the thought of being pregnant, so hopefully I can retest next weekend. We are really excited to think about having another baby, but for obvious reasons, we haven't told anyone about us trying. Hopefully soon, you will all be getting a very excited phone call telling you Allie is going to be a big sister! Wish us luck and baby dust!