Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One week down!

We did it, we did it, we did it, yeah yeah, we did it! Woooo! *Doing my we did it dance!* We made it thru our first week. Not without a ton of stress, but we are still surviving haha. Allie's behavior is out of this world! She's just finding herself in tons of troubles these days. Her and Katie just fight, do something bad, tell on each other, beg for food and fight some more. This weekend my mom and I are dedicating the entire weekend to switching the bedrooms so the girls and I can be in our bigger room. Im so desperate for more space. We are unpacked in the room we are in, and fine for sleeping arrangements, but it will be nice when Allie and Emmy can play in their room when they want...and Em's toys aren't taking over my parent's living room! Tomorrow Im going to register the van, Im hoping everything goes well at the DMV and Im in and out, but I hate the DMV especially for something like this. But, we will see, hopefully I come home with my Jersey plates tomorrow!