Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Little Emmy

She is growing up so fast! She is such a ham. Her new things are waving, saying hi, saying dada sometimes, and fake coughing. She is so cute. If you say hi to her, she starts waving so hard that either A) Who ever is holding her is likely to get hurt or B) Her little arm might fall off. We finally have her drs appt all set up for Friday for her to FINALLY get her 6 month shots, even though she is 7 1/2 months old. The clinic at Ft. Knox was out of one of her vaccinations, so we didn't get any, and held off until we got here and she could get them all at once. She can sit up when she wants to, but she is a lazy girl. She does things when they benefit her, the little stinker. We did Skype with Adam yesterday and that was pretty funny. Whenever he called her name her little head went bonkers looking for him. She was attacking the computer screen trying to get to him, the girl misses her dada. She seems to be enjoying NJ where she gets plenty of extra attention and love. She is getting bigger by the day, now only if her hair would start growing ;)