Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day One Down

Well...we have been in NJ now for 2 days. We said our goodbye the morning of the 28th, it was sad, but quick. It was much easier than if we went to his formation. He deployed yesterday. So today was our actual day one of the deployment. Well...we made haha. Today went so fast, so as long as all of the days manage to go this fast, I think we will be just fine! We went to Target with the two 3 year olds and Emmy. Man, that was fun. It took 2 hours, and I had a migraine and it only got worse while we were there. Allie and Katie fought the entire time in the cart over whose popcorn was whose and Emily was good as gold! Oh how I have missed huge Target stores! Hopefully this weekend we will make good progress in getting things organized around here. We are also having our pollyanna for the kids to exhange their gifts. Tomorrow is NYE, Im not overly excited, but we plan on eating tons of junk and playing tons of Just Dance 2! Here's hoping I don't lose it at midnight like I did the last deployment. Man, I am such an emotional nerd!