Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Everyone should have a family game night!

So over the summer pretty much, it has just started to pretty much become a weekly tradition that almost every Wedensday the girls and I go to my sister, Melissa's house for dinner. It's just a nice night to get together, let the kids play, vent, and sometimes we do something fun afterwards like movie in the park or go to Gavin's games before his season ended. Last week my mom came over for dinner as well. After dinner, we played a game Hedbanz. It was SO much fun. We played for hours before we realized it was 9:30. So my sister calls me this morning and says, Gavin was barely awake this morning before he said, "Mom it's Wedensday, are Aunt Sammy and the girls coming for dinner?". I'm not gonna lie, that warmed my wee wittle heart! He's gonna be 13 in October, meaning, we are gonna "lose" him soon. He won't think game nights with us are cool anymore, he won't appreciate hanging out with us and our "humor". He even invited my mom too, and my other sister came as well. We played Apples to Apples and it was pretty fun. I may buy a new game for next week. As much as I miss Adam and am "wishing" the time away until he comes home, I'm going to try to embrace the nights like this with my family. Then I will remind myself that hopefully soon enough, the four of us will be back here with our family, where we belong, having game night with everyone together.