Thursday, December 17, 2009

Adam finally made a decision

And that decision was to re enlist in the Army. He signed a re enlistment deal that left us here in Ft. Knox for 3 years, so until December 2012. He switched to a combat unit, so he will deploy again before he is done. I don't want him to go, but I am prepared for him to go. The good news is he will be here when the baby is born and will hopefully enjoy at least half of the baby's first year before deploying. It was a hard decision, but we have nothing outside the Army right not especially with the unemployment rate being so high. We did what was best for the 4 of us and hopefully in 2012 things are a little better and we can give the civilian world a shot!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Back from NJ

Well we finally made it home from NJ! After a long, long day of driving in crazy weather we made it. Unfortunately we were pulled over at a McDonalds for just about 2 hours due to heavy snow. I felt so bad for my sister and dad who had to tag along. It broke my heart to watch the stress in their face as we decided what to do. We eventually decided to get back on the road and just deal with it. We drove for almost 2 hours at 35 MPH but hey, we made it home. Adam was very happy to have us home as he had his spur ride and was worn out. We missed Aubree's birthday party and I was really bummed because Allie would of had a great time.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just a quick update

Between the move and the end of my semester, the blog fell to the wayside. I have of course been super sleepy still, but that is starting to fade as an afternoon nap is not neccesity most days anymore. I had my first doctors appointment while Adam was on his lockdown, and everything was great! I got a new due date which is May 31st but I'm pretty sure the first one of May 19th was more accurate. I will discuss it at the next doctors appointment. I have been suffering majorly from headaches at least 5 days a week. This happened with Allie as well, so hopefully they pass soon! My semester is done tomorrow and we decided I would take off until after the baby is born. With Adams work schedule being so crazy sometimes, and the amount of stress school puts on me, it is not worth feeling so hectic inside. We are going back to NJ this week for Thanksgiving. The plans were a mess and had been changing every day until we finally came up with a game plan today. We are driving over night the night before Thanksgiving. We are splitting the day between our families which is nice since they are barely 2 blocks away from each other. Adam is staying until Sunday. He is going to the Eagles game and then going right to the airport to fly home at 9:45. Allie and I are staying in NJ until that following weekend so our families get to spend more time with her. My dad and sister are driving back to KY with me that weekend and then driving back to NJ. What can I say, they love us? I cannot wait to see our family and friends! We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, especially with our new little blessing on the way!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The house, bloodwork and sickness

Ok so the house wasn't ready last Friday. But it is ready this week, so thats good. Adam is signing the lease tomorrow, and we are moving on Saturday. Im hoping Sunday I will be buying some pretty fall decorations for the outside :) YAY!
So my bloodwork this morning was NO fun. I am normally not bothered by the bloodwork or needle. I showed the guy the vein to get the blood from since its the only vein I've ever given blood from. Well, he couldn't get it. So he tried the vein in the same spot on the other arm...didn't get it. Then he swore he would get the one in the middle of my arm...and he didn't get that one either. He finally called someone else to give it a shot. She got it from the original vein right away, but did have to take 8 vials. She was pretty shocked I didn't pass out, but I think the awful sugar loaded drink stopped that from happening. Hopefully all goes well with the tons of bloodwork.
So the sickness, it comes often and in full force. Im not throwing up, but I feel like the stomach bug is lingering a lot. I have plenty of nausea and a TON of food adversions. The food adversions seem to get worse as the days pass. Something I eat for breakfast, can make me totally sick by lunch time. The worst is chicken. I can't even cook it. Dinner time is always a struggle. Tonight I was able to cook dinner and eat it! That was exciting. It was only hamburger helper, however I could eat the meat since it was covered in sauce. Carbs are my best friend, and anything remotely healthy...yeah right! I cannot wait until the 2nd trimester, when the sickness doesn't keep me on the couch, the fatigue doesn't keep me on the couch, and I can workout and eat better. Im about 9 weeks, so hopefully only 5 or 6 more weeks to go until I feel better!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The first appointment...

Was a HUGE let down! I expected an exam and the ultrasound and it was paperwork! Boring. She made me get a glucose test because Allie was 9 lbs...sorry lady, my family just has BIG babies. Other than that, I basically put Alle in daycare for her to ask about my history, weigh me and schedule my next appointment, which is November 2nd. The good news about that is its at 5:30 at night so Adam and Allie can both come for the ultrasound. As of right now my due date is May 19th, until I get my ultrasound. So right now Im a little disappointed.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So many exciting things!

The biggest news is that we are moving this weekend! Our house will be ready tomorrow so we are going to sign our lease. Adam luckily has a 4 day this weekend and we were planning on moving Friday, but there are some storms on the way with heavy rains and wind so we put it off until Saturday. We are hoping to get it done all in one shot on Saturday and cleaning out the apartment on Sunday and handing the keys over on Monday. I also have midterms on Tuesday and Thursday and Im pretty nervous about them and how I will get all of my studying done. Allie goes back to school next week after her fall break, and believe me that is surely welcomed! I didn't realize just how nice it was to have those 6 hours a week to myself. I am thirlled that we are moving this weekend because her building is being switched next week and it is actually within walking distance of the new house! I also have my first doctors appt on Wedensday morning so I don't have to worry about driving super far anymore. What a relief! Updates coming soon!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Allie's 2 Year Old Check Up

Allie had her 2 year old check up today. Yes I know, 2 months late! It was a pain to get an appointment in August because it was back to school season so it was either sick appointments or physicals. I called twice and was told they couldn't book an appointment for us. I wasn't stressed because it was just a check up, so I waited until a week or so ago to make an appointment and we got in right away. She was super active and hyper at her appointment and kept the doctor laughing. She is 32.5 inches tall and 26.4 pounds. She was in the 7th...YES 7th percentile for height and 40th for weight. She surely has no chance to be any kind of tall with me as her mother. Sorry Allie! Other than that the doctor said she is doing well and her speech is advanced for her age. He also said we did the right thing by putting potty training off until after our move so she wouldn't regress back to diapers. We are attempting potty training in a few weeks once we are back into a routine in the new house. Shes a little smarty pants and picks up on stuff pretty fast so I think it will go well!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

There's A Baby On The Way!

At 4:30 this morning I found out we are having another baby! I could barely fall back asleep and couldn't wait to tell Adam! After I dropped Allie off I went over to the clinic to get another test done to confirm the pregnancy. As I waited in the waiting room I kept preparing myself to hear I wasn't pregnant and that I must of midread the test. The nurse came and told me Im pregnant and I was shocked! Adam was also very shocked. I wish everyone could of seen his face when I told him. We are very excited and I have my first doctors appointment on October 14th. Our families are also very excited for us and can't wait for Allie to be a big sister! I'll post more updates as things progress!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

OH and one more thing!

We were finally assigned a house! We found out the street, but not the address. Our friends checked it out immediately, and we drove by the next day. Right on the corner is a fun little park, and our friends are only a half a mile away or so. Im very excited! I had wanted to be moved in and settled by Halloween, and we SHOULD be in by October 15th. Allie will love having a backyard to play in. I was bummed because the houses on our street don't have porches, but hey, we'll live! We can still decorate and garden and all of that jazz. Adam also wanted to have a house warming party and invite everyone from work, so that will be nice also! Updates will be coming as we get closer to the move :)

Family Fun Weekend...put on hold! :(

Well we were SO excited to have this 4 day since Adam has been working like a fool. Well Monday he tells me he thought he lost his cellphone AGAIN (he just lost it 2 weeks ago), so I was pretty annoyed. It was about dinner time and I hadn't heard from him all day, so I kept trying to call him. The first few times it rang, then it would go straight to voicemail. I thought he was at Sprint getting a new cell phone and I was pretty mad! A few minutes later my phone rings, its Adam calling from the ER...He cut his cornea AGAIN! Its the 5th time, 2nd time this year. He really needs to wear big ole' chemistry goggles ALL the time. So hes been somewhat cranky and has had lots of doctors appointments. We were planning on going to the Newport Aquarium, 2 1/2 hours away, this Friday but were only going to go depending on how his eye felt. Well today he gets a QRF (quick reaction force) recall for a briefing. Thats right folks, on our 4 day, Adam was activated to QRF, which means if he was needed on a mission (think state of emergency type of situation) he would need to be on post within an hour. So while he is home, we cannot leave the area. Today he had to go in for his flu shot and tomorrow he has a doctors appointment at 8 and one of his soldiers is graduating WLC so we also have to go to that (and hope Allie won't be too bad!). Im excited for Saturday morning and to not be woken up by an alarm clock! We don't have to rush anywhere and can stay in and have pancakes. We do plan on going to our friends son's football game because Adam is a sucker for little kids playing football. We also want to go bowling on Saturday night to introduce some friends that we think would really get along. Then hopefully Sunday we will get to see the Eagles play football! Well heres to a good weekend (and lots of homework for me!).

Monday, September 14, 2009

Allie's first time bowling

On Saturday we decided to meet Adam after he was done work and go to the bowling alley. We haven't done anything FUN lately since Adam has been working for almost 18 days straight. Allie has never been bowling before so we knew it was going to be an adventure. We got there and there was a birthday party with balloons which immediately made her even more excited. She was amazed at the brightly colored bowling balls and the loud noise and just was ready to bowl before we even had a lane. Unfortunately they didn't have shoes in her size which would of been a super cute picture, so she just wore her "crocs". They had this adorable little dinosaur or dragon ramp which he could put the ball on and it gave it some momentum down the lane.

Once she realized the ball came back UP, that kept her attention more than how many pins she hit. We only made it one game because it was pretty exhausting trying to keep her happy when it wasnt her turn and she was announcing "I sad!" every 5 minutes. I only beat Allie by 10 points, she got an 88! In my defense, she did have bumpers AND Daddy's help! It is definately something we are going to try again soon.

Everything else in life will hopefully settle down for us soon. We are still waiting on word from housing and hopefully they will call us soon! Adam has been working like crazy, but he has a 4 day this weekend to that definately means some fun family adventures. We plan on going to the Newport Aquarium and having dinner in Cincinnati. It is only about a 2 hour drive or so, so I am pretty excited. The weekends have been very quick and uneventful since Adam works until 4 or so. Im ready for some family fun and hopefully for some Eagles football! School is a little challenging this semester, a lot of reading and response writing, but so far its going well! Im not sure what is ahead for me with school if I get pregnant. My original plan was to take the month of December off, but with the possibility of a baby on the way, I may need to go in December just to get two more classes out of the way before the baby would be born. I guess it all depends on what we find out this upcoming weekend!

Allie: Our little professional bowler!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

And so the journey for baby #2 begins!

A few weeks ago, I got an exciting text message (yes! text message!) from my husband that said "Update! I think its baby making time!". (If you heard the story of Adam telling me to just text him the gender of our baby, Allie, while he was in the field, you would find this hilarious.) Well if you know me, you know I would not say no to having another baby! I would ultimately love to have 4 children, but I don't think thats going to happen for us. However, having 2 would be a blessing enough in itself. We think Allie is getting to the age where she is going to be ready to be a big sister. Right now we are playing the waiting game. I immediately made an appointment the day after we decided we wanted another baby so I could taper off my migraine medications. I am now officially medication free and for the most part, migraine free. I took my first test this morning and it was negative. I think Im just entirely too excited at the thought of being pregnant, so hopefully I can retest next weekend. We are really excited to think about having another baby, but for obvious reasons, we haven't told anyone about us trying. Hopefully soon, you will all be getting a very excited phone call telling you Allie is going to be a big sister! Wish us luck and baby dust!